One of the first books I ever wrote was Rarity, a love story about an unlikely couple who had their own imperfections and insecurities, but managed to find each other at a time when they needed each other the most. One of the main characters gets diagnosed with a rare and life-threatening disorder, one that has no proven treatment or cure.
I wrote this after my own son was diagnosed with the same disorder. Our family experienced so many emotions with the news and found out lives forever changed. In some ways we are stronger, in other ways…not to much. I wanted the world to have a glimpse into our world and hoped to enlighten others, and possibly help someone who had similar symptoms and didn’t know what to do about it.
This past week, I received a google alert telling me that my pen name was mentioned in an article…a Yahoo! Lifestyle article. I clicked the link and there it was…positioned at the top of a list with the likes of John Green and Veronica Roth…Rarity, by D.A. Roach! It completely made my day.
As an author, we have busy times, where we have our heads down, busy punching the keys and producing our next work…times when we are on top of the world as we release our books and read the reviews from our readers…and times when we are doing neither (which is often the time when we question if anyone is bothering to read our books, if it’s worth sitting at the keyboard for hours to craft another tale…doubting ourselves and the value of our work). I am currently in the latter state and while I know from experience that this will pass and as soon as the kids are back in school, I’ll be busy writing again…but, the doubts creep into my mind.
This article came at the perfect time. It was a positive nod during a vulnerable time, and it is such an honor to be mentioned.
Get your copy of Rarity here: http://amzn.com/B00YTETSGK
To read the full article: https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/12-young-adult-novels-featuring-203128070.html